Content Disclosure

Welcome to Mantra Japa! This Content Disclosure explains the nature of the content provided in the App and other related details. Please read it carefully.

1. Nature of the Content

The Mantra Japa App provides a variety of content related to meditation, spiritual practices, and mantras. This content includes, but is not limited to, audio recordings of mantras, text descriptions of mantras, and other information aimed at helping users with their spiritual practices.

2. Source of the Content

The content provided in the App is sourced from various reputable sources and spiritual traditions. We carefully curate the content to ensure its authenticity and accuracy, but we cannot guarantee that all content is free from errors.

3. Intended Audience

The content in the App is intended for a general audience interested in spiritual practices, meditation, and mantras. It is not specifically tailored to any one religious or spiritual belief system and may include content from multiple traditions.

4. User Responsibility

While we strive to provide accurate and meaningful content, it is ultimately the user's responsibility to use the content in a way that aligns with their own beliefs and practices. If you have any concerns about the content, please exercise discretion and consider consulting a qualified spiritual advisor.

5. Third-Party Content

The App may contain links to third-party websites, apps, or services. We do not endorse or have control over the content on these external platforms. Users are encouraged to review the terms and policies of any third-party services they access through the App.

6. Educational Purpose

Mantra Japa provides educational and informational content about mantras and their applications for various aspects of life. However, it is essential to understand that the information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.

7. No Guarantee

While mantras and meditation practices may have potential benefits, Mantra Japa does not guarantee specific outcomes or results, including but not limited to increased wealth, success, or happiness. Individual results may vary based on personal dedication, circumstances, and other factors.

8. Personal Responsibility

Users are responsible for their interpretation and application of the information provided within Mantra Japa. It is recommended to exercise personal judgment and discretion when applying mantra practices to different areas of life.

9. Professional Advice

Mantra Japa does not replace professional advice from qualified experts, such as financial advisors, career counselors, or mental health professionals. Users facing specific challenges or seeking personalized guidance are encouraged to consult with relevant professionals.

10. Cultural Sensitivity

Mantras originate from diverse cultural and spiritual traditions. Mantra Japa respects the cultural origins and significance of mantras and aims to provide information in a respectful and inclusive manner. Users are encouraged to approach the content with cultural sensitivity and awareness.

11. No Endorsement

Mention of specific mantras or practices within Mantra Japa does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the app. Users are encouraged to explore and evaluate different practices based on their individual beliefs, values, and preferences.

12. User Discretion

Users of Mantra Japa are advised to use their discretion and judgment when applying mantra practices to various aspects of life. The app shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use of information or practices provided within the app.

13. Updates and Changes

We may update this Content Disclosure from time to time to reflect changes in the App or its content. We will notify you of any changes by updating the "Last Updated" date at the bottom of this document. Your continued use of the App after any changes constitutes your acceptance of the new disclosure.

14. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about the content provided in the App, please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

Address: Yashwant Shrusti, Mumbai

Last Updated: April 11, 2024